
Picture: Robert France

Sem Seiffert is a singer and songwriter

who combines Folk and Rock with Jazz, Pop and other genres.

His baritone voice leads through the most different stories he tells of his travels through the world and through the mind.

Since 2014 he is an artist of Opus Of Orpheus Records, played more than 350 concerts, released two albums, that were recorded at the Magic Garden recording Studios in Wolverhampton/England.

His third album "Choices & Change will be released soon.

Sem Seiffert

Picture: Arndt v. Koenigsmarck

Animo Sono

Animo Sono

are a three-piece


with German lyrics.

Sem Seiffert (Acoustic Guitar/Vocals), Kamilla Eggeling (Cello)

and Mathieu Bech (Drums)

created a very special sound by their instrumentation.

Also pretty unusual for a band in their genre.

Picture: Tim Kurth



ist ein Kinderliedermacher der besonderen Art. Geplant hatte er es nicht, doch als er anfing Texte für Kinder zu schreiben, dauerte es nicht lange und schon war auch die Musik dazu fertig. 2021 veröffentölichte er sein erstes Album "Farbulös", 2022 direkt sein zweites Album "Eine Prise Fantasie." Mittlerweile hat er sich deutschlandweit eine Fangemeinde erspielt, die nicht nur im Kindergarten -oder Grundschulalter ist.

Eine bunte Mischung, kindgerecht und absolut familientauglisch!